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The inflammation diet benefits many conditions such as: heart problems, joint inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, sinus, gout, memory loss and diabetes. However, diet alone may not always be enough.

When the inflammation diet doesn't decrease pain and increase mobility fast enough, natural supplements come to the rescue. Use these products to ramp up the inflammation diet for faster results, especially with chronic inflammation.

Fish Oil Supplements

Since the inflammation diet isn't effective unless fish is consumed, fish oil supplements are invaluable. The only fish oil side effects are back-burping fish taste and this is alleviated with enteric-coated pills.

However, the benefits of fish oil are so extraordinary, this is often overlooked. Basically, "good" fats, in fish oils, are needed to balance "bad" fats. And inflammation isn't stopped without the "good" fats, which are omega-3's, found in fish oil.

Anti-inflammatory Supplements

1) The next most important supplement to reduce inflammation is fat-soluble vitamin E. It keeps inflammation from getting started by disarming inflammatory genes and is a powerful antioxidant. Take 200 to 400 IU of mixed-tocopherol vitamin E daily.

2) Probiotics reduce inflammation. They produce a treasure chest of anti-toxin, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer substances within the immune system. In fact, probiotics are so important to health, if they are out of balance, everything is compromised.

As probiotics thrive in the intestinal tract, they detoxify and regenerate. They are vast reserves of essential hard-to-get nutrients and anti-inflammatory compounds. These quell inflammation with more clout than any anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical or nutraceutical. Probiotics feed human cells so when deficient, the liver absorbs mal-digestive byproducts which elicit inflammation, a condition common in hundreds of patients with MCS and fibromyalgia.

Additional Anti-inflammatory Products

Ginger, turmeric and garlic are also anti-inflammatory. Suggestion: 400 to 600 milligrams turmeric and 500 to 1,000 milligrams ginger, twice daily, with food. Take both consistently for two months for results.

With the inflammation diet reversing so many conditions, it is considered disease preventative. And with the additional use of these herb and vitamin supplements, which shouldn't interfere with other medications, pain and mobility return faster while consuming the inflammation diet.

Subscribe for upcoming articles: Anti-inflammatory Recipes You Will Love and Anti-inflammatory Supplement Recommendations

Related Articles:
*The Inflammation Diet: What You Should Know
*What's Causing Disease for Millions? Inflammation Quiz

Infectious Immunology 1996; 64; Gastroenterology 1994; 106; Current Opinions of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 2001:4; Townsend Letter for Doctors, April 2009. Current Opinion in Critical Care 2002:8

Article for Information purposes only. Not intended as replacement for medical care.

When the Inflammation Diet isn't Enough: Ramp It Up with Supplements copyright 2010

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